Wednesday, July 4, 2012

An anaesthetist's dubious record!


Fujii, in his 19 year career as an anaesthetist, has published 249 research articles in various medical journals. He was serving at Tokyo Medical and Dental University, the University of Tsukuba, and also recently at Toho University in Tokyo.

It all started when John Carlisle, a consultant anesthetist with the South Devon NHS Foundation Trust in the United Kingdom published an analysis of Fujii’s work that found his results to be fishy and cooked-up and he prompted the Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists to conduct an investigation on the validity of his test results.

Focusing on 212 of 249 known Fujii papers, the investigating committee's report submitted to the  Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists on the 29th of June 2012 has found that 172 research papers of Fujii were bogus. Out of these 172 papers, 126 were totally fabricated (without any work been done). The committee could not conclusively determine if there had been fabrication for another 37 papers. Only three were found to be genuine!

Previously, a German anesthesiologist named Joachim Boldt is believed to hold the dubious distinction of having such a dubious record of 90 papers!

Fujii has surpassed this record by 36 more papers to his 'credit'!


1 comment:

  1. Also everybody knows that Engineering college projects are fake and they openly admit this on the interview if we dig deep into ...
