Friday, November 16, 2012


Vaccines are developed even for diseases that are not caused by pathogens. Parkinson's Disease (PD) is one such.

 How Parkinson's Disease is caused?

Proteins in our body have a specific three dimensional structure. Soon after protein synthesis, they automatically fold into their own predetermined 3D structures through specific folding patterns. Any misfolding of proteins will result in a defective 3D structure that leads to malfunctioning of that protein.

In brain cells, one of the proteins called α-synuclein is essential for the normal brain function. In Parkinson’s disease, there is an accumulation of misfolded α-synuclein proteins called Lewy bodies. This misfolded protein clumps throughout the brain as Parkinson’s disease progresses. Brain cells fail to process and clear these proteins. This leads to the destruction of certain (dopaminergic) neurons, a condition called Lewy neuritis. This leads to the manifestation of the Parkinson’s Disease.

 The PD Vaccine under trial now!

Parkinson’s vaccine is simply the administration of the misfolded alpha-synuclein as antigens which will stimulate our immune system to respond against alpha-synuclein by forming antibodies against these misfolded proteins. These anti-misfolded α-synuclein antibodies will bind to these brain proteins and ultimately clear them.

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