Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Novartis linked to dubious research

Valsartan (Diovan) manufactured by Novartis company is a drug given for treating high blood-pressure. It was one of the best-selling drug for Novartis’s Japanese subsidiary in 2011, fetching about $1.3 billion dollars. There was a boom in the sale of Valsartan following a research publication from Hiroaki Matsubara’s group at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (KPUM).The published 'research work'suggests that valsartin can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Novartis subsequently used this 'research' publication in their advertisements for the drug. The publication was pulled back by the Japanese Circulation Society in December 2012 and by the European Society of Cardiologists in February 2013, following the critical analyses of the research data published. The irony is that the 'research' was funded by Novartis! Business-men misusing scientists and science in the name of scientific funding. Eroding values of ethics in science is totally unacceptable. 

-Dr. P. Kumarasamy

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